Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mad Men Inspired Yarn

I know how to crochet and knit, no I am not an expert but I can make a mean scarf. I came across this yarn by CulturePop on Etsy and I must say that I would love to make myself a pair of socks out of this, if I knew how. This hand-dyed yarn is inspired by all the costumes worn by the women of Mad Men (yes, that show is fabulously brillant). Totally in love with all the yummy yarn in this shop, there is even yarn inspired by the Twilight series!
Mad Men - The Skirts - hand-dyed superwash merino wool and nylon sock yarn

Friday, March 12, 2010

I Remember When...

I remember wearing socks like this when I was in grade school in Chicago. Of course the socks that I wore were not this pretty or made with such a beautiful shade of pink, I think mine were dark...dark blue, dark grey, etc. These beautiful socks by Sabi Swirls are definitely something that I would wear today, the ones I used to wear are better left in the past. Visit Sabi Swirls Etsy Shop.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Where could I wear this?

My day consists of coffee, making school lunches, dropping and picking up children from school, working, cooking and cleaning. With all of that being said, oh how I would love to go somewhere that I could wear this...

You must check out Ouma Clothing on Etsy. Their beautiful pieces make me want to break out of my jeans, tshirts and cardigans and actually put on some make-up and go out with my husband for a night on the town.